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Downloading hundreds of pictures off my iPhone the other day, I came across the above. This picture was taken on the very last day of 2021 and how spot on is this considering the state of affairs we still find ourselves in. A year ago, I honestly thought we’d be done with this virus by now… I was just very happy and thankful to have these surroundings to wait it out. My patience is now wearing thin. But yesterday I read an interesting article on how Cannabis can prevent covid-19 infection so there is HOPE!!! Wouldn’t that be something…

Either way I refuse to let this Corona win and so I shall continue with planning and setting goals as I typically do at this time of year. Big things are actually happening right now. I will share that later when ready but it’s very exciting and keeping us both very busy.

One significant project recently completed was setting up solar power to the greenhouse shed. It’s all rigged and ready for growing in a couple of months. Of course, it’ll still be very cold but the hardy Canadian-made battery pack has a self-heating feature that is good for minus 25 degrees and with the heater directly wired to it, I’ll apparently be good to go...


If you grow your own food from seed, here is your friendly reminder to once again check stock and consider placing your seed order sooner rather than later. Demand has never been greater so you don’t want to be disappointed. Fortunately, there are many businesses to source from and supporting local is what we want to promote.

You can find a local supplier of organic and heirloom seed here in our DIY Growing section at


Despite these cold winter months, remember that Nature is always inviting and has a way of making things better. In Ontario, we are very fortunate to have a lot of greenspace to explore. Even in Toronto with its impressive ravines like the Rouge to the east, the Don River heading downtown and the Humber to the west.

Our daily walks in the woods with our dogs is something I look forward to everyday, unless of course it's just way too cold and the dogs say no.


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